Object of the Month

“为国捐躯”:Frederic Baury中尉,美国海军


Vest belonging to Frederic Baury


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  • [ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

    This linen waistcoat, 其低调而优雅的白色刺绣和骨钮扣, belonged to Frederic Baury (1794-1814?), a naval officer who served aboard the USS Constitution and USS Wasp during the War of 1812. The maker is unidentified. 这件马甲是1921年由鲍里的侄孙女玛丽·鲍里·杰克逊·拉斯伯恩送给该协会的.

    Who was Frederic Baury?

    Frederic Baury came from a military family. 他的祖父约翰·贝里·德贝勒里夫是一名法国骑兵上尉,后来在法国殖民地圣多明各(现在的海地)拥有大片种植园,并与玛丽-简·吉约坦·德拉维吉耶结婚, a relative of the inventor of the guillotine. In 1753, 鲍里的父亲路易斯·鲍里·德·贝勒里夫出生在多芬堡, Saint-Domingue, 年纪轻轻就被送到法国接受军事教育. During the American Revolution, 路易是被派去帮助暴发户美国人的法军之一, 1779年,他参加了德斯坦伯爵的萨凡纳围城战,一直服役到战争结束, 在著名的辛辛那提学会获得了一席之地. 后来,他在马萨诸塞州谢斯叛乱期间担任本杰明·林肯将军的副官, 他以“热情和坚韧”赢得赞誉, spirit and bravery."

    In 1784, Louis married sixteen-year-old Mary Clark, 她是米德尔敦的以利沙和萨拉·克拉克的女儿, Connecticut. 这对夫妇在米德尔敦和他们在圣多明克的种植园之间生活,有一个女儿玛丽和四个儿子, Francis, Edward (died young), Frederic, and Alfred Louis. 玛丽(克拉克)鲍里的讣告,刊登在 新英格兰历史和家谱登记册, 使我们得以一窥海地革命时期圣多明各家庭生活的动荡, which lasted from 1791-1804:

    亲眼目睹暴动的惨状, saved by her own devoted slaves, 全岛都在烈火和刀剑中受难, this heroic woman was equal to the emergency … saving her children by artifice … the escape of herself and family on board of an American ship; its capture by pirates, 对一个女人来说,随后通过武力恢复……形成了一种完全不同的、奇怪的经历."

    Francis, the Baury's eldest son, 在海地革命期间为罗尚博将军效力,1802年3月在Crête-à-Pierrot战役中阵亡.

    Frederic Baury's early naval career

    Born in 1792, 弗雷德里克·伯里于1809年被任命为海军军官候补生, assigned first to the USS Essex and later the USS Constitution. 1812年,当这艘船在新泽西海岸逃离英国舰队时,他就在那艘船上, as well as at the capture of the Guerrière and the Java. It was during the epic battle with the Guerrière that the Constitution earned its moniker "Old Ironsides."

    The fateful voyage of the Wasp

    1814年,新上任的弗雷德里克·鲍里中尉加入了美国海军 Wasp. Commanded by Johnston Blakeley, the Wasp 有173名船员,平均年龄23岁,大多数人“太绿”以至于晕船一个星期吗. Nonetheless, the Wasp 她的船员非常成功,摧毁了12艘商船,并派出了另一艘 Atalanta) back to the United States as a prize, “这是一艘非常漂亮的双桅船,重253吨……船上有非常贵重的货物。, consisting of brandy, wines, cambrics &c.一封来自一位身份不明的海军军官的信被阿贝尔·鲍恩的杂志转载 Naval Memorial describes the Wasp 被誉为“幸运之神的宠儿……最好的海船”, I believe in the world; our officers and crew, 年轻而有抱负——他们战斗时比履行其他职责时更愉快." 

    On the 28th of June 1814, the Wasp encountered the British sloop of war Reindeer 一场短暂但致命的海战最终以 Reindeer set ablaze and sunk. In a letter to the Secretary of the Navy, Commander Blakely noted the following, "It is, however, 只有在宣布中尉时才给予他们应得的待遇. Reilly and Bury [Baury], 1st and 3rd of this vessel, 他们的名字将被列在征服者的名单上 Guerrière and Java 他们在这种情况下的行为和勇气满足了最高的期望,满足了每一个愿望."

    在洛里昂港口进行了“漫长而乏味”的停留之后, France, 照顾他们的伤员,修理他们受损的船, the crew of the Wasp 1814年8月底返回海上,遇到了英国皇家海军 Avon on the evening of 1 September. 在长达一小时的交战中,机组人员 Wasp proved both accurate and deadly. The Avon 损坏得如此严重,以至于很快就沉没了,伤亡人数达到10人死亡,30多人受伤. Her crew was rescued by the HMS Castilian and the Wasp escaped to fight another day. 弗雷德里克·鲍里在他的指挥官写给海军的信中再次受到赞扬.

    伯里和船员们的好运很快就用光了 Wasp, however. 在9月又劫持了三艘商船之后, 最后一次说话是在1814年9月21日,是一艘瑞典商船, the Wasp and her crew were never seen again. 据推测,他们在暴风雨中失去了所有的船员. 感谢弗雷德里克·伯里在对抗 Reindeer国会投票给他一把剑,在他不在的时候,这把剑被送给了玛丽·鲍里. The sword was engraved with the Latin motto Altius ibunt qui ad summa nituntur或者“登峰造极的人会走得更高”,这是对这位海军英雄最恰当的褒奖.

    For further reading

    log kept by Frederic Baury on board the USS Constitution forms part of the Baury Family Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society.

    The Hall-Baury-Jensen papers 包含弗雷德里克·鲍里小时候写给父亲的信件和其他有关鲍里家族的资料.

    Baury, Mary. To the honorable, 美国的参议院和众议院, 玛丽·鲍里的纪念馆, of Boston ... [Boston, 1854].

    Bowen, Abel. 海军纪念碑:包含战争后期美国和英国海军之间所有战斗的官方和其他记录. Boston: George Clark, 1838.

    Drake, Samuel F. Memorials of the Society of the Cincinnati. Boston: The Society, 1873.

    "Marriages and Deaths … Mrs. Mary Baury," 新英格兰历史和家谱登记册, April 1857, p. 183-184.

    Frederic Baury's Book of Common Prayer 是美国宪法博物馆藏品的一部分.